
Sub-board: House of Storms

Public High School #552

The dilapidated remnants of the war-zone from the fight with Orochi. The main building, which stands three stories tall, is currently in shambles and in the process of being completely renovated by the Apostles. Behind it, the old two-story building has been outfitted as a detention center for any youth they manage to apprehend. The gym and athletic fields have all been made into rehabilitation and living areas for any seeking refuge within the district. This area is currently held by the Apostles.

last post in Into the storm [Leon] by Leon Sudeki Mar 24, 2016 13:50:10 GMT -5

999 14,718

Sub-board: Helios - The Grounded Fortress

The District

A large area cordoned off by the New York City Government, District #552 was built to contain the ever-increasing gang violence. This ten square mile District is surrounded by a large, virtually impenetrable 500 ft. wall with PMC guards stationed all along it to prevent anyone from entering or leaving. At the ground level, there are checkpoints at the border to monitor who enters and exits the district. All who pass through it must have visas signed by the leader of the Apostles.

last post in Shopping isn't only for the poor [Kyou] by Kyou Kobayashi May 21, 2016 22:52:24 GMT -5

561 7,828

Sub-board: The Wayfarer/The Underground


The perfect places for unwinding or gathering information, the nightclubs within District #552 are some of the most useful - and typically, neutral - places one could find. Though they may be neutral territory, one should always be careful within these hubs.

last post in Walpurgisnacht [Xaier] by Liv Carole Feb 27, 2016 15:14:10 GMT -5

62 989

Sub-boards: Pillar Office, Dragon's Terrace, Like-Minded HQ


Your character's home, be it the living quarters within PHS #552, a fancy mansion within the District, or a cardboard box in a back alley.

last post in The Least I Can Do [Ira] by Macht Stärke Mar 6, 2016 1:31:56 GMT -5

106 1,627

New York City

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created by Shugo Yuy™ last post by cbg
May 20, 2022 21:15:41 GMT -5
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created by Shugo Yuy™ last post by Noel Etincelle™
Jun 6, 2023 6:33:26 GMT -5


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